Book at Urban GRND

Welcome to our reservation page. To make it as easy as possible we ask you to go through the steps below.

Make a choice

Jump Party's

Curling Party's

All-in arrangementen

Glow Golf Party's

Lasergame Party's

Mini Jump Party's

Combi Deals


Tafelgrill & Activiteit

Jump Party's


Jump party snack small

Jump party snack medium

Jump party snack large

Jump party pizza small

Jump party pizza medium

Jump party pizza large

Jump party chips small

Jump party chips medium

Jump party chips large

Curling Party's


Curling chips party

Curling snack party

Curling Pizza party

All-in arrangementen


All-in experience small - arrangement (1 uur) met eten

All-in experience medium - arrangement (2 uur) met eten

All-in experience large - arrangement (3 uur) met eten

Glow Golf Party's

Glow Golf Party's

Golf party chips

Golf party snack

Golf party pizza

Lasergame Party's

Lasergame Party's

2 sessies Lasergame party chips

2 sessies Lasergame party snack

2 sessies Lasergame party pizza

Mini Jump Party's

Mini Jump Party's

Mini Jump party Chips small (60min)

Mini Jump party Chips medium (90min)

Mini Jump party Pizza small

Mini Jump party Pizza medium

Mini Jump party Snack small

Mini Jump party Snack medium

Combi Deals

Combi Deals

Lasergame + Curling Medium

Jumpen Medium & Lasergame

Glow Golf + Lasergame

Curling Small + Glow Golf + Bijlwerpen Large

Curling Small & Lasergame

Curling Medium & Glow Golf

Glow Golf + Lasergame

Curling Medium + Glow Golf

Jumpen Small & Glow Golf

Bijlwerpen & Glow Golf

Jumpen Small & Glow Golf

Jumpen Medium & Glow Golf

Jumpen Small & Lasergame

Jumpen Medium & Lasergame

Bijlwerpen Large + Curling Small

Bijlwerpen & Curling Small

Bijlwerpen & Glow Golf

Bijlwerpen & Curling Medium



Cadeaubon 10,-

Cadeaubon 25,-

Cadeaubon 50,-

Cadeaubon 75,-

Cadeaubon 100,-

Tafelgrill & Activiteit

Tafelgrill & Activiteit

Tafelgrill & Golf

Tafelgrill & Prison Challenge

Tafelgrill & Curling

Tafelgrill & Simracing

Tafelgrill & Bijlwerpen